Not if, but When: Preparing for a cyber-attack
If cybercrime were a country, some experts predict that by 2025 it would have the world’s third-largest economy. Hence, cybercrime is a growing concern for many enterprises.
Against this landscape, the Norwegian Business Council is delighted to invite you to a breakfast seminar on this critical issue. Attendees will hear from two experts from the Swedish Business Council’s corporate members: Addleshaw Goddard, an international law firm, and Securitas, a global security provider and one of Sweden’s largest companies.
The first part of the seminar will take you through some of the key legal issues that arise after a cyber attack and how these can be mitigated. The second part will cover best practices when it comes to protecting your business, with insights from data protection experts.
This will be followed by a Q&A session with the speakers.
8.30 am Registration and breakfast
9.00 am Legal risks of cyber attacks and how to address them – by Nic Henrikson, Partner, Addleshaw Goddard
9.30 am Best practices when it comes to protecting your business (the cyber hygiene factor), – by Wim Bartsoen, Chief Data Protection Officer, Securitas
10.00 am Questions and Answers
Nic Henrikson is a dispute resolution partner at Addleshaw Goddard, an international law firm with offices across the region. Based in the Middle East, he has extensive experience in arbitration and cross-border litigation. He often advises clients on cybercrime-related matters and cyber liability insurance policies.
Wim Bartsoen, Chief Digital Security Officer at Securitas is an experienced information security leader with approximately 25 years of experience in information security. At Securitas Group he is the “Chief Digital Security Officer”. In this role, Mr Bartsoen has overall responsibility for the definition and execution of the digital security strategy across the group. This includes, but is not limited to ensuring that the Securitas group continuously strengthens its cyber resilience posture across all entities where it operates.
Date: Tuesday 17th January
Time: 8.30 – 10.30 am
Venue: Media One Hotel, Media City, Dubai.
Price: AED 100 for members of the Nordic Business Councils (Young professionals, Professionals and Corporate Members). AED 125 for Social Members and Swedish Ladies. AED 150 for Pre-members.
Prices include a lighter breakfast and VAT.
RSVP before 15th January by contacting info@nbcuae.org